Disease Correlation Mapping based Discovery of Endogenous Ligand



DEM-Endo establishes a bridge between diseases and endogenous ligands and nuclear receptors. In current bioinformatics literature, diseases are a direct source of information related to both. Through disease-associated features constructed based on literature mining, potential relationships between nuclear receptors and endogenous ligands are included. This tool performs endogenous ligand discovery from the perspective of diseases without the need for protein structural information or any molecular attributes.


DEM-Endo establishes a bridge between diseases and endogenous ligands and nuclear receptors.In current bioinformatics literature, diseases are a direct source of information related to both. Through disease-associated features constructed based on literature mining, potential relationships between nuclear receptors and endogenous ligands are included. This tool performs endogenous ligand discovery from the perspective of diseases without the need for protein structural information or any molecular attributes.


DCM-Endo: Disease Correlation Mapping based Discovery of Endogenous Ligand

Contact Dr. Hao Zhang by WeChat :

Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences